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Design and Distribution
Obligations (DDO) reporting

Submitting a report for a single product

Our webform allows you to enter the details of up to four complaints or one significant dealing. Click the Submit report button to get started.

Submitting multiple reports

To submit multiple significant dealings or complaints, you can download the relevant CSV template, enter the reports into the template and upload it via the Submit report button.

Significant dealings - CSV format (CSV, 5KB)

Complaints - CSV format (CSV, 8KB)

Emailing report

Alternatively you can send any report to:

User guides

For help completing the CSV templates above please refer to:

Significant dealings user guide (DOCX, 137KB)

Complaints user guide (DOCX, 140KB)

About DDO

The Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) introduce a new approach to consumer protection, by moving away from relying on disclosure as the main form of protection and introducing new measures to improve the likelihood that products are distributed to clients for whom they’ve been designed (ie the target market).

The obligations are relevant for issuers and distributors of financial products that are covered by DDO.

For more information about DDO, you can read our FAQs.

Please note this portal and email address are for DDO reporting only. If you have feedback or a complaint that’s not related to DDO, please contact 133 652 (Monday to Friday 8am – 7pm AEST) or your MLC Business Development Manager.