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Important information

Once you have selected a fund you may request unit prices for a date range of up to 12 months. Otherwise, prices are available for specific dates. Unit prices are not available for weekends and public holidays.

The allotted entry/exit price is the price shown for the corresponding unit price date.

Unit prices are provided for your information only and are not guaranteed. During the time it takes to process an additional investment, switch or withdrawal, the unit price may vary and as a result, the unit price applicable to an additional investment, switch or withdrawal may be different to the unit price displayed above.

Unit prices displayed are based on historical data and reliance should not be placed on the above information as the basis for making any investment, financial or other decision as past unit prices are not necessarily indicative of unit prices available in the future. While the unit prices provided is believed to be accurate, MLC Limited nor any other company in the IOOF group of companies accept responsibility for any inaccuracy or any actions taken upon reliance with this information.

Click on advice disclaimer to view other important information.

Should you have any queries concerning the unit prices, please don't hesitate to call the Customer Service Centre on 132 652.