Eligibility rules for carry forward concessional contributions
To make a carry forward concessional contribution, there are specific conditions you need to meet:
- You need to be under the age of 75 – your contribution must be received by your super fund on or before 28 days following the end of the month you turn 75
- Your total super balance needs to be less than $500,000 on 30 June of the previous financial year (eg 30 June 2024 for the 2024/25 financial year)
- You can only carry forward unused concessional contributions from 1 July 2019
- Unused concessional cap amounts can only be carried forward for five financial years until they expire.
Eligibility criteria for super contributions, including carry forward concessional contributions, can change over time. It's essential to check with the Australian Taxation Office or consult a financial adviser for the most up-to-date information.
Calculating your carry forward concessional contribution amount
Check your previous 30 June total super balance with the ATO. This is available via the MyGov website. You want to ensure your total super balance is under $500,000 as at the previous 30 June.
Once you login to your account, you can also use MyGov to work out the amount of unused concessional contributions cap that is available.
Important things to consider for carry forward concessional contributions
Keep in mind that carry forward concessional contributions are part of the concessional contributions cap, which includes employer contributions (such as super guarantee and salary sacrifice contributions) and personal contributions that you claim as a tax deduction. When determining the amount of unused concessional contributions cap that is available for the current financial year, consider any future concessional contributions you intend to make.
It’s also important to remember that you can’t access your super until you meet a condition of release, such as reaching age 65 or age 60 and either retiring or ceasing work.
To use up carried forward concessional cap amounts, you may want to make salary sacrifice or personal deductible contributions to super.
How do super bring forward rules differ to carry forward concessional contributions?
Super bring forward rules
Super bring forward rules relate to after-tax contributions, allowing you to contribute more into super in a shorter period. Under these rules, you can bring forward up to two years' worth of non-concessional (after-tax) contributions.
The annual non-concessional contributions cap is $120,000 for the 2024/25 financial year. However, using the bring forward rule, you could contribute up to $360,000 if eligible.
If your total super balance is less than the general transfer balance cap of $1.9 million, you may be eligible to make non-concessional (after-tax) contributions. Depending on your total super balance you may be able to use the bring forward rule.
Carry forward concessional contributions
Carry forward concessional contributions are for before-tax contributions, enabling you to make up for past years where you may not have utilised all your concessional contribution caps. Generally, concessional contributions reduce your personal taxable income and tax payable.
Ready to make a carry forward concessional contribution?
Adding a little extra to your super can be a great way to boost your super savings for retirement. Find out how to add more to your super, or log in to make a contribution.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I determine my carry forward contributions for the current financial year?
Carry forward concessional contributions are in addition to the current financial year’s concessional contributions cap ($30,000 for 2024/25). Your carry forward concessional contributions or unused concessional contributions cap for the previous five years, can be obtained from the ATO using MyGov. Check that the information in MyGov is consistent with what you believe has occurred.
Do I need to notify my super fund to make carry forward concessional contributions?
If you intend to claim a tax deduction for personal contributions, you must lodge a valid notice of intent to claim a tax deduction with your super fund. Strict timing requirements apply. However, you don’t have to notify your super fund that you intend to use carry forward concessional contributions.
Can I make carry forward concessional contributions at any time during the financial year?
Generally, you can make carry forward concessional contributions at any time during the financial year, however:
- where personal contributions are made on or after age 67, a work test or work test exemption must be satisfied in the financial year to be eligible to claim a tax deduction
- if you’re turning 75, a personal tax-deductible super contribution cannot be made after 28 days following the end of the month you turn 75
- there are strict timing requirements for lodging a notice of intent to claim a tax deduction with your super fund. See the ATO website for more information.
What are the tax benefits of carry forward concessional contributions?
Carry forward concessional contributions can help to reduce your taxable income for the year in which you make them. This can result in potential tax savings, especially if you're in a higher tax bracket.