For Members:
- In using this electronic super search facility, I consent as follows:
(a) to the Trustee using my personal details, including my tax file number, to search from time to time for any lost, unclaimed, inactive or active super I may have with other funds or the ATO through an ATO search or through ATO authorised search facilities, as permitted under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) and Regulations; and
(b) to the Trustee contacting me to seek my consent to rollover or transfer to my MLC account any super I may have with other funds that it identifies.
- The consent in paragraph 1 above continues until I opt out of this electronic rollover facility.
- I acknowledge that the Trustee cannot guarantee that all of my super accounts will be found.
For Advisers:
- In using this super search facility as a financial adviser, I acknowledge, warrant to the Trustee and agree that:
(a) I have been retained by a member to act for them in connection with advice about their superannuation needs.
(b) The member has provided me with their relevant personal details, including their tax file number.
(c) My login details for the MLC secure website are confidential, and must be kept securely and not divulged to anyone else, including a third party.
(d) I will not divulge the member’s personal details, including tax file number, to anyone including a third party for the purposes of using this super search facility.
(e) I hold my client’s consent to search their tax file number with the ATO to find their super accounts. I agree to keep a copy of this consent on my client’s file as a reference, and to provide evidence of this consent upon request.
(f) I will only use the super search facility for the purpose for which the ATO has created it, and I will adhere to the terms and conditions outlined on the ATO website, and the terms and conditions imposed by the Trustee.
(g) The Trustee has absolute discretion, and may at any time withdraw my ability to access the super search facility.