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Pension drawdown requirements

There are different requirements for what you can withdraw from both account based and transition to retirement pensions.

Account based pension

Depending on your age, there is a minimum amount you must withdraw as a pension payment from an account based pension each financial year.

Age on 1 July or if commenced in the financial year the commencement date

Minimum %* of account balance you must withdraw each year1

Under 65


65 to 74


75 to 79%


80 to 84


85 to 89


90 to 94




*The minimum may be subject to change from time to time at the discretion of the Government. For more information go to

Transition to retirement (TTR) pension

If you’re under 65 you can withdraw between 4% and 10%2 of your balance each financial year1.

1 A minimum annual payment does not need to be made where the income stream is commenced from 1 June to 30 June. A pro-rata minimum payment is required if it is commenced before 1 June. This applies to account based pensions and TTR pensions.

2 The maximum annual payment applies to TTR pensions in accumulation (or pre-retirement phase).

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