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Preservation age

Reaching your preservation age can give you access to your super.

What is the preservation age?

Your preservation age is the age you can:

  • access your super as a lump sum or a retirement income stream if you’ve retired, or
  • start a transition to retirement income stream.

Preservation age is not the same as your Age Pension age.

What is my preservation age?

If you were born:

  • before 1 July 1964 you have already reached your preservation age
  • on or after 1 July 1964 your preservation age is 60

For more information please visit the Australian Tax Office (ATO) website.

What next?

Find out more about Super and retirement rules.


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Any advice and information on this website is general only, and has been prepared without taking into account your particular circumstances and needs. Before acting on any advice on this website you should assess or seek advice on whether it is appropriate for your needs, financial situation and investment objectives.