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MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals

Designed for all Australians, it's the easy-to-manage super account that will see you through your working life and into retirement.

It’s easy to choose an investment option that suits your personal investment objectives and risk appetite.

Your super also comes with MLC Lifestage insurance that's been designed to protect you and your loved ones through your different life stages.

You have the option to also add MLC Insurance and MLC MasterKey Investment Protection, depending on your needs.

Product features

Insurance available when you join

You can enjoy quality insurance benefits with Lifestage insurance (our default option):

  • A combination of Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance that's been designed to protect you and your loved ones through your different life stages
  • When you join, you're able to select from three levels of MLC Lifestage insurance cover (Standard, Half the standard and Double the standard), subject to eligibility criteria
  • Premiums are deducted monthly from your super account balance
  • Your current and previous state of health may affect your ability to claim

Insurance available after you join

  • Once your account has been opened, you can tailor your insurance to meet your needs with:
  • Different levels of Lifestage Insurance or nominate a fixed amount for Death and TPD
  • Option to add Income Protection Insurance cover

When you apply for insurance after you join, we will ask you questions about your employment, pastimes and medical history. If successful, specific occupation loading and/or medical exclusions may apply.

To find out more about the insurance options available in your MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals account see the Insurance Guide or contact your financial adviser.