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Our team of Financial Coaches provide general advice related to your super.
Our cash and fixed interest options suit investors looking for a solution for the cash and/or fixed income allocation of their portfolio.
The fund invests in deposits with banks and may also invest in other comparable high quality securities.
More information on MLC Cash is available here.
Objective: Outperform the Benchmark (after fees and before tax) over 1 year periods.
Risk level: Very low
(estimate of less than 1 negative annual return in any 20 year period)
100% Cash
Minimum time to invest: N/A
The fund is diversified across different types of fixed income securities in Australia and globally.
Objective: Outperform the Benchmark (after fees and before tax) over 3 year periods.
Risk level: Medium
(estimate of 2 to 3 negative annual returns in any 20 year period)
90% Fixed income – diversified
10% Fixed income – credit
Minimum time to invest: 3 years.
The fund invests in high-quality, income-generating securities issued by the Commonwealth Government of Australia, Australian State Government authorities and treasury corporations, as well as investment-grade corporate issuers.
Objective: Track the return (income and capital appreciation) of the Benchmark before taking into account fund fees, expenses and tax.
Risk level: Medium.
(estimate of 2 to 3 negative annual returns in any 20 year period)
100% Fixed income securities.
Minimum time to invest: 3 years.
You can select a six month, one year or two year term. As a term deposit is a fixed term investment it should only be selected if you are able to remain invested until maturity of your nominated term.
More information on NAB Term Deposit is available here.
*Not available in MLC MasterKey Business Super and MLC MasterKey Personal Super.
Objective: The interest rate on a term deposit is fixed for the term you select.
Risk level: Very low.
(estimate of less than 1 negative annual return in any 20 year period)
100% Fixed income
Minimum time to invest: Fixed for the term you select.
For past performance information contact us on 132 652
For profiles on all options, visit the Fund Profile Tool.
For all investment fees and costs and transaction costs for each investment option, view the Product Disclosure Statement and Fee Brochure for your product:
Our team of Financial Coaches provide general advice related to your super.