Disclaimer & Terms & Conditions
Welcome to the "SuperSizer" tool provided by Actuate Alliance Services Pty Ltd, ABN 40 083 233 925, AFSL 240959 ("Actuate Alliance Services"), part of the Insignia Financial Group of companies ("Insignia Financial Group"). References to "we" or "us" refer to Actuate Alliance Services Pty Ltd.
Your use of this tool is governed by the terms and conditions on this website including, without limitation, in this SuperSizer Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions. We anticipate that "SuperSizer" will be enhanced on an ongoing basis and therefore the terms and conditions may be updated from time to time. Any changes will apply to you and us from the time they are posted on this site.
For further information, please contact us on 132 652.
General advice and information only
Actuate Alliance Services is an Australian Financial Services Licensee and is responsible for any financial advice and services provided through SuperSizer. The information and any advice provided by this tool is general in nature and has been prepared by Actuate Alliance Services without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information or advice, you should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs.
SuperSizer is a tool to help you consider your current superannuation situation and compare that situation to others in a similar position (referred to interchangeably in this SuperSizer Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions and in the SuperSizer tool as “Your Peers” or “people like you”) based on factors that may include age, gender, working status, income and current superannuation balance. The information you submit while using the tool helps us compare you with Your Peers but is not used to provide you with any personal advice.
SuperSizer uses data provided by DBM Atlas (part of RFI Global), Australia's largest research program dedicated to financial services (DBM Atlas). Benchmark results for Your Peers is based on survey data estimates from over 30,000 interviews of Australians aged 18 and over with superannuation, for the 12 months to May 2024. The average super savings shows the average dollar balance held in superannuation among Your Peers, based on this survey data (excluding SMSF and government funds). The average super savings of Your Peers is simply the average based on survey data and there is no suggestion that if your superannuation balance is currently equal to or greater than this average, that you will have sufficient funds to meet your future retirement needs. The peer comparison and commentary is intended to provide a general illustration only and does not aim to provide advice as to what your current superannuation situation should be, nor can it predict any person’s future retirement needs.
You should not rely on this tool when making any decisions about any financial product or strategy. You should consider speaking to a financial adviser to obtain financial advice specific to your situation. You may also need to speak to your accountant or registered tax adviser about the taxation consequences of any decision you make. You need to consider all relevant information before you make any decision to transfer your superannuation, such as administration, exit, buy/sell spreads or withdrawal fees that may apply in respect of the existing fund(s). Similarly, you should consider entitlements such as insurance entitlements which may cease when you consolidate your super. You should also consider your contribution caps and any tax implications of consolidating superannuation and seek advice where required.
Please note that we do not store any of your information collected through the use of this tool or the results of the comparison with Your Peers. If you contact us we may collect and retain information in certain circumstances. Please see our privacy policy.
Eligibility, use and limitations
SuperSizer is intended for personal use and may not be used for commercial or business purposes.
The information you submit while using the tool helps us determine which of Your Peers to compare you with. The data you enter and limitations of the tool include the following:
- Your age: this must be a minimum of 18 and over.
- Your Peers average super savings: this assumes some level of superannuation savings held.
The survey data of Your Peers for the purposes of the superannuation balance benchmark comparison is grouped on the basis of age brackets (of 5 year increments) and income brackets ($0 to $31,199; $31,200 to $64,999; $65,000 to $103,999, $104,000 to $129,999; $130,000 to $181,999; $182,000 and over).
Currency and accuracy of information
While SuperSizer and the information and any advice we provide through the commentary have been prepared with care, changes in circumstances may occur at any time and may impact the accuracy of the information. Neither Actuate Alliance Services nor any member of the Insignia Financial Group of companies or their directors or employees give any warranty, make any representation as to, or accept responsibility for, the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of this information now or in the future. While the information and any advice provided by SuperSizer is believed to be accurate, subject to any terms implied by law and which cannot be excluded, neither Actuate Alliance Services nor any member of the Insignia Financial Group of companies or their directors or employees accept responsibility for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) incurred by you as a result of any error, omission or misrepresentation in any information on this site.
The survey data from DBM Atlas (part of RFI Global), is based on the responses from the set number of individuals surveyed and the data used to provide the peer comparison of Your Peers relates to information provided by those individuals as at the time of the survey (the 12 month period to May 2024).
Links to any websites are provided for your convenience only. Any such links do not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendations of any other company, product or service or any affiliation between Actuate Alliance Services and any other organisation. Actuate Alliance Services does not control and is not responsible for the content of any other site accessed via SuperSizer.
Availability of tool
We will use our best efforts to provide access to SuperSizer on a 24 hour basis. However, there may be interruptions to the service from time to time. Actuate Alliance Services will not be liable to any person for interruptions to the service for any reason.
Intellectual property
All intellectual property in relation to SuperSizer and its content is owned by and belongs exclusively to members of the Insignia Financial Group or DBM Atlas (part of RFI Global), unless otherwise stated. You obtain no interest in that intellectual property. You may not reverse assemble, reverse compile, alter, modify or otherwise translate the site. Copyright in information contained in the site subsists under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and through international treaties and laws of other countries. All rights reserved. Any use of SuperSizer which is not in accordance with these terms is unauthorised and a copyright infringement in breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
"MLC" and all associated trademarks displayed on this website are owned by the Insignia Financial Group.