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Ready-made portfolios

Low cost are diversified investment options that balance active and index management. Their focus is on keeping costs low, while achieving returns similar to the market.

For more information on Low Cost, see our MLC Low Cost brochure

MLC Low Cost Conservative Balanced

A diversified portfolio that has a balanced weighting towards the more traditionally stable, defensive asset classes of cash and fixed income, and those assets that tend to provide higher levels of long-term growth (eg shares).


Objective: Inflation + 2% pa (after fees and tax) over 7 years.


Risk level: High.

(estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period)


51% growth / 49% defensive.


Minimum time to invest: 5 years.

MLC Low Cost Balanced

A diversified portfolio that’s weighted towards the more traditionally growth-focused assets that tend to provide higher levels of long-term capital growth (eg shares), with some exposure to the more stable, defensive asset classes of cash and fixed income.


Objective: Inflation + 2.75% pa (after fees and tax) over 10 years.


Risk level: High.

(estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period)


72% growth / 28% defensive.


Minimum time to invest: 7 years.

MLC Low Cost Growth

A diversified portfolio that’s predominantly weighted towards the more traditionally growth-focused assets that tend to provide higher levels of long-term capital growth (eg shares), with a small exposure to the more stable, defensive asset classes of cash and fixed income. 


Objective: Inflation + 3.25% pa (after fees and tax) over 10 years.


Risk level: High.

(estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period)


85% growth / 15% defensive.


Minimum time to invest: 7 years.


For past performance information contact us on 132 652 

For profiles on all options, visit the Fund Profile Tool.


Fees and costs

For all investment fees and costs and transaction costs for each investment option, view the Product Disclosure Statement and Fee Brochure for your product:


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