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Ready-made portfolios

We recognise that more and more of our members want to align their investments with their personal beliefs, so we’ve designed the MLC Socially Responsible Growth investment option.

Socially responsible investment is an investment approach that prioritises various moral or ethical issues and values over other information that may be relevant to investment outcomes.

For more information, see our MLC Socially Responsible Growth option brochure.

MLC Socially Responsible Growth

A diversified portfolio with socially responsible investment considerations applied to the majority of the portfolio. We apply negative screening to Australian shares and global shares. In addition, the underlying investment managers selected may apply their own screening criteria to other asset classes, however we do not control these screens.

For more detail on our approach to responsible investment and the implementation of the negative screening, please refer to the ‘Our approach to responsible investment’ and 'MLC Socially Responsible Growth' sections in the Product Disclosure Statement.


Objective: Inflation + 3.5% pa (after fees and tax) over 10 years.


Risk level: High.
(estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period)



85% growth / 15% defensive.


Minimum time to invest: 7 years.


For past performance information contact us on 132 652 

For profiles on all options, visit the Fund Profile Tool.


Fees and costs

For all investment fees and costs and transaction costs for each investment option, view the Product Disclosure Statement and Fee Brochure for your product:


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