We suggest bookmarking the MLC EmployerPay login page in your browser.
MLC EmployerPay is provided by SuperChoice Services Pty Limited (ACN 109 509 739) (SuperChoice) and its affiliate, PayClear Services Pty Ltd (ACN 124 852 320) AFSL 314357 (PayClear). These entities are not part of the Insignia Financial Group. Neither NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited (ABN 80 008 515 633) AFSL 236465, the trustee of the MLC Super Fund (ABN 70 732 426 024) nor any other members of the Insignia Financial Group accept liability in relation to any loss or damage users may suffer in connection with the use of MLC EmployerPay or any act or omission by SuperChoice or PayClear.
Yes, employers can use their current SAFF file on MLC EmployerPay.
Yes, both choice and default contributions can come through the portal. Choice contributions will be automatically sent to the relevant fund for processing by SuperChoice. NB. We will not be supporting 100% ‘choice only’ plans in MLC EmployerPay.
All transaction costs are paid by MLC Wealth Limited ABN 97 071 514 264. However, charges could apply in some circumstances, where the employer has failed to follow the correct payment process (only after notice to the employer).
Fees may, in the future be payable in the following circumstances (currently not charged but can be in the future if prior notice is given):
SuperChoice provides the platform (MLC EmployerPay) and the Clearing House facility and the AFSL is provided by SuperChoice’s affiliate, PayClear Services Pty Ltd as the product issuer.
Transaction fees are paid by MLC Wealth Limited however the PDS does mention “other fees that may apply”.
The PDS states:
“Currently there are no other fees payable by you. Fees may become payable in the following circumstances, but only after a notice is issued to you and then only applicable where the following events apply after such notice:
These fees have traditionally not been charged back to the employer, but fees may be charged depending on the circumstances, only after notification to the employer.
The clause is there to encourage employers to follow the correct process (i.e. act as a deterrent for payment errors or continual refund / stop payment requests) and provide us with the correct information.
We are paying all transaction costs – the possible other charges are only there to encourage behaviour change and SuperChoice has advised us that they will only implement this clause if employers are continually requesting refunds, stopping payments, or making errors.